Commit 1f2cd4b2 authored by yaqizhang's avatar yaqizhang

Merge branch 'master' of ssh:// into master

parents f387a8f7 423625fe
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// var videoPlatUrl = '';
// var apiUrl = '';
// var pushUrl = '';
// var wsUrl = 'ws://';
// var iocUrl = '';
// var iocWsUrl = 'ws://';
var videoPlatUrl = '';
var apiUrl = '';
var pushUrl = '';
var wsUrl = 'ws://';
var iocUrl = '';
var iocWsUrl = 'ws://';
// var apiUrl = 'http://localhost:8902';
// var pushUrl = 'http://localhost:8905';
// var wsUrl = 'ws://localhost:8905/iocdata/websocket';
// var iocUrl = 'http://localhost:8902/ioc';
// var iocWsUrl = 'ws://localhost:8902/ioc/websocket';
var videoPlatUrl = 'http://'+window.location.hostname+":18902";
var apiUrl = 'http://'+window.location.hostname+":8902";
var pushUrl = 'http://'+window.location.hostname+":8905";
var wsUrl = 'ws://'+window.location.hostname+':8905/iocdata/websocket';
var iocUrl = 'http://'+window.location.hostname+':8902/ioc';
var iocWsUrl = 'ws://'+window.location.hostname+':8902/ioc/websocket';
//var videoPlatUrl = '';
// var apiUrl = '';
// var pushUrl = '';
// var wsUrl = 'ws://';
// var iocUrl = '';
// var iocWsUrl = 'ws://';
......@@ -61,8 +54,8 @@ var apis = {
getEnterpriseCameraById: apiUrl + '/ioc/frontApi/getEnterpriseCameraById',
getEleDeviceInfoListByUserId: apiUrl + '/ioc/frontApi/getEleDeviceInfoListByUserId',
mapSearch: apiUrl + '/ioc/frontApi/mapSearch',
getPreviewURLs: apiUrl + '/ioc/artemis/getPreviewURLs',
videoControlling: apiUrl + '/ioc/artemis/videoControlling',
getPreviewURLs: apiUrl + '/ioc/Artemis/getPreviewURLs',
videoControlling: apiUrl + '/ioc/Artemis/videoControlling',
scooper: {
cometd: videoPlatUrl + '/scooper-msg-queue/cometd',
queryGisTrails: videoPlatUrl + '/scooper-app-msg/gis/queryGisTrails',
......@@ -536,11 +529,11 @@ function initVideo(ele) {
user: conf['video.username'],
passwd: conf['video.password'],
// ip: conf['video.ip'],
ip: '',
ip: window.location.hostname,
//videoServer port
port: conf['video.port'],
// janusUrl: conf['video.janus.url']
janusUrl: 'ws://',
janusUrl: 'ws://'+window.location.hostname+':8188',
streamType: conf[''],
......@@ -1281,7 +1274,7 @@ function login() {
var opts = {
url: apis.scooper.loginTo,
type: 'post',
data: { accUsername: 'psxyj2', accPassword: sha256_digest('abc123') },
data: { accUsername: 'admin', accPassword: sha256_digest('scooper') },
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
success: function (res) {
if (res.code == 0) {
......@@ -1542,9 +1535,13 @@ function getVideoUrl(cameraIndexCode,optionId) {
borderSelect: IS_MOVE_DEVICE ? '#000' : '#FFCC00',
{playURL:, mode:"0" }, "0").then(() => { console.log('realplay success') },
var dataUrl = JSON.parse(data);
var url
url = url.replace("","");
{playURL: url, mode:"0" }, "0").then(() => { console.log('realplay success') },
e => { console.error(e) }
var videoPlatIp = '';
var videoPlatPort = '8089';
var videoPlatUrl = 'http://' + videoPlatIp + ':' + videoPlatPort;
//var videoPlatUrl = 'http://' + videoPlatIp + ':' + videoPlatPort;
var videoPlatUrl = window.location.hostname+":18902";
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="'+videoPlatUrl+'/scooper-video/css/new/"/>');
// document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="./main.css"/>');
......@@ -46,12 +46,11 @@ function handleGetQuery(name) {
passwd: conf['video.password'],
//videoServer ip
// ip: conf['video.ip'],
ip: '',
ip: window.location.hostname,
//videoServer port
port: conf['video.port'],
// janusUrl: conf['video.janus.url']
janusUrl: 'ws://',
janusUrl: 'ws://'+window.location.hostname+':8188',
streamType: conf[''],
......@@ -96,12 +96,11 @@ var video_ids = {
passwd: conf['video.password'],
//videoServer ip
// ip: conf['video.ip'],
ip: '',
ip: window.location.hostname,
//videoServer port
port: conf['video.port'],
// janusUrl: conf['video.janus.url']
janusUrl: 'ws://'
janusUrl: 'ws://'+window.location.hostname+':8188',
streamType: conf[''],
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