<iftest="fIntersectConstructionId != null and fIntersectConstructionId != ''"> and inc.f_intersect_construction_id = #{fIntersectConstructionId}</if>
<iftest="fIntersectConstructionId != null and fIntersectConstructionId != ''"> and info.f_project_code like concat('%', #{fIntersectConstructionId}, '%')</if>
<iftest="fTitle != null and fTitle != ''"> and inc.f_title = #{fTitle}</if>
<iftest="fTitle != null and fTitle != ''"> and inc.f_title like concat('%', #{fTitle}, '%')</if>
<iftest="fDescription != null and fDescription != ''"> and inc.f_description = #{fDescription}</if>
<iftest="fDescription != null and fDescription != ''"> and inc.f_description = #{fDescription}</if>
<iftest="fOccurrenctTime != null and fOccurrenctTime != ''"> and inc.f_occurrenct_time = #{fOccurrenctTime}</if>
<iftest="fOccurrenctTime != null and fOccurrenctTime != ''"> and inc.f_occurrenct_time = #{fOccurrenctTime}</if>
<iftest="fAttachment != null and fAttachment != ''"> and inc.f_attachment = #{fAttachment}</if>
<iftest="fAttachment != null and fAttachment != ''"> and inc.f_attachment = #{fAttachment}</if>
<iftest="fRemark != null and fRemark != ''"> and inc.f_remark = #{fRemark}</if>
<iftest="fRemark != null and fRemark != ''"> and inc.f_remark = #{fRemark}</if>
<iftest="fUpdateTime != null and fUpdateTime != ''"> and inc.f_update_time = #{fUpdateTime}</if>
<iftest="fUpdateTime != null and fUpdateTime != ''"> and inc.f_update_time = #{fUpdateTime}</if>
<iftest="fCompanyInfoId != null and fCompanyInfoId != ''"> and inc.f_company_info_id = #{fCompanyInfoId}</if>
<iftest="entUploadState != null and entUploadState != ''"> and inc.f_ent_upload_state = #{entUploadState}</if>
order by f_update_time desc
order by f_update_time desc
@@ -60,6 +72,12 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
@@ -60,6 +72,12 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="fAttachment != null and fAttachment != ''">f_attachment,</if>
<iftest="fAttachment != null and fAttachment != ''">f_attachment,</if>
<iftest="fRemark != null and fRemark != ''">f_remark,</if>
<iftest="fRemark != null and fRemark != ''">f_remark,</if>
<iftest="fUpdateTime != null and fUpdateTime != ''">f_update_time,</if>
<iftest="fUpdateTime != null and fUpdateTime != ''">f_update_time,</if>
<iftest="fCompanyInfoId != null and fCompanyInfoId != ''">f_company_info_id,</if>
<iftest="entUploadTime != null and entUploadTime != ''">f_ent_upload_time,</if>
<iftest="entUploadState != null and entUploadState != ''">f_ent_upload_state,</if>
<iftest="govUploadTime != null and govUploadTime != ''">f_gov_upload_time,</if>
<iftest="govUploadState != null and govUploadState != ''">f_gov_upload_state,</if>