Commit 65ae33b4 authored by wanghao's avatar wanghao

1 液化石油气监管-充装记录导入-功能开发中

parent 95d73b3e
package com.zehong.web.controller.lpgRegulation;
import java.util.List;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ import com.zehong.system.domain.TLpgAirChargeFiles;
import com.zehong.system.service.ITLpgAirChargeFilesService;
import com.zehong.common.utils.poi.ExcelUtil;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* 液化石油气-充装记录Controller
......@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ public class TLpgAirChargeFilesController extends BaseController
public AjaxResult export(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles)
List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> list = tLpgAirChargeFilesService.selectTLpgAirChargeFilesList(tLpgAirChargeFiles);
List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> list = tLpgAirChargeFilesService.queryAllForExport(tLpgAirChargeFiles);
ExcelUtil<TLpgAirChargeFiles> util = new ExcelUtil<TLpgAirChargeFiles>(TLpgAirChargeFiles.class);
return util.exportExcel(list, "液化石油气-充装记录数据");
......@@ -94,4 +97,34 @@ public class TLpgAirChargeFilesController extends BaseController
return toAjax(tLpgAirChargeFilesService.deleteTLpgAirChargeFilesByIds(fGasAirChargeIds));
* 模版下载
* @return r
public AjaxResult importTemplate(){
ExcelUtil<TLpgAirChargeFiles> util = new ExcelUtil<>(TLpgAirChargeFiles.class);
return util.importTemplateExcel("充装记录数据");
* 文件导入
* @param file f
* @param updateSupport u
* @return r
* @throws Exception r
public AjaxResult importData(MultipartFile file, boolean updateSupport, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception
ExcelUtil<TLpgAirChargeFiles> util = new ExcelUtil<>(TLpgAirChargeFiles.class);
List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> XmbhList = util.importExcel(file.getInputStream());
tLpgAirChargeFilesService.importLpgAirChargeFileInfo(XmbhList, updateSupport, response);
return AjaxResult.success();
......@@ -70,133 +70,118 @@ public class TLpgAirChargeFiles extends BaseEntity
@Excel(name = "充装工")
private String fOprateName;
public void setfGasAirChargeId(Long fGasAirChargeId)
this.fGasAirChargeId = fGasAirChargeId;
public Long getfGasAirChargeId()
public Long getfGasAirChargeId() {
return fGasAirChargeId;
public void setfGzId(Long fGzId)
this.fGzId = fGzId;
public void setfGasAirChargeId(Long fGasAirChargeId) {
this.fGasAirChargeId = fGasAirChargeId;
public Long getfGzId()
public Long getfGzId() {
return fGzId;
public void setfStationName(String fStationName)
this.fStationName = fStationName;
public void setfGzId(Long fGzId) {
this.fGzId = fGzId;
public String getfStationName()
public String getfStationName() {
return fStationName;
public void setfBarCode(String fBarCode)
this.fBarCode = fBarCode;
public void setfStationName(String fStationName) {
this.fStationName = fStationName;
public String getfBarCode()
public String getfBarCode() {
return fBarCode;
public void setfVaseCode(String fVaseCode)
this.fVaseCode = fVaseCode;
public void setfBarCode(String fBarCode) {
this.fBarCode = fBarCode;
public String getfVaseCode()
public String getfVaseCode() {
return fVaseCode;
public void setfScaleNum(String fScaleNum)
this.fScaleNum = fScaleNum;
public void setfVaseCode(String fVaseCode) {
this.fVaseCode = fVaseCode;
public String getfScaleNum()
public String getfScaleNum() {
return fScaleNum;
public void setfFillStatrTime(String fFillStatrTime)
this.fFillStatrTime = fFillStatrTime;
public void setfScaleNum(String fScaleNum) {
this.fScaleNum = fScaleNum;
public String getfFillStatrTime()
public String getfFillStatrTime() {
return fFillStatrTime;
public void setfFillEndTime(String fFillEndTime)
this.fFillEndTime = fFillEndTime;
public void setfFillStatrTime(String fFillStatrTime) {
this.fFillStatrTime = fFillStatrTime;
public String getfFillEndTime()
public String getfFillEndTime() {
return fFillEndTime;
public void setfSetWeight(String fSetWeight)
this.fSetWeight = fSetWeight;
public void setfFillEndTime(String fFillEndTime) {
this.fFillEndTime = fFillEndTime;
public String getfSetWeight()
public String getfSetWeight() {
return fSetWeight;
public void setfWtNet(String fWtNet)
this.fWtNet = fWtNet;
public void setfSetWeight(String fSetWeight) {
this.fSetWeight = fSetWeight;
public String getfWtNet()
public String getfWtNet() {
return fWtNet;
public void setfSetBottleWeight(String fSetBottleWeight)
this.fSetBottleWeight = fSetBottleWeight;
public void setfWtNet(String fWtNet) {
this.fWtNet = fWtNet;
public String getfSetBottleWeight()
public String getfSetBottleWeight() {
return fSetBottleWeight;
public void setfBottleWeight(String fBottleWeight)
this.fBottleWeight = fBottleWeight;
public void setfSetBottleWeight(String fSetBottleWeight) {
this.fSetBottleWeight = fSetBottleWeight;
public String getfBottleWeight()
public String getfBottleWeight() {
return fBottleWeight;
public void setfWtGross(String fWtGross)
this.fWtGross = fWtGross;
public void setfBottleWeight(String fBottleWeight) {
this.fBottleWeight = fBottleWeight;
public String getfWtGross()
public String getfWtGross() {
return fWtGross;
public void setfOprateName(String fOprateName)
this.fOprateName = fOprateName;
public void setfWtGross(String fWtGross) {
this.fWtGross = fWtGross;
public String getfOprateName()
public String getfOprateName() {
return fOprateName;
public void setfOprateName(String fOprateName) {
this.fOprateName = fOprateName;
public String toString() {
return new ToStringBuilder(this,ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE)
......@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ public interface TLpgAirChargeFilesMapper
public List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> selectTLpgAirChargeFilesList(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 2024-09-12 wh 查询数据为了导出用 限制导出数量
* @param tLpgAirChargeFiles t
* @return r
public List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> queryAllForExport(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 新增液化石油气-充装记录
package com.zehong.system.service;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.zehong.system.domain.TLpgAirChargeFiles;
import com.zehong.system.domain.TLpgVehicleInfo;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* 液化石油气-充装记录Service接口
......@@ -29,6 +34,14 @@ public interface ITLpgAirChargeFilesService
public List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> selectTLpgAirChargeFilesList(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 2024-09-12 wh 查询数据为了导出用 限制导出数量
* @param tLpgAirChargeFiles t
* @return r
public List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> queryAllForExport(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 新增液化石油气-充装记录
......@@ -60,4 +73,14 @@ public interface ITLpgAirChargeFilesService
* @return 结果
public int deleteTLpgAirChargeFilesById(Long fGasAirChargeId);
* 导入
* @param xmbhList data
* @param updateSupport 是否更新
* @param response res
* @return r
public Map<String,Object> importLpgAirChargeFileInfo(List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> xmbhList, boolean updateSupport, HttpServletResponse response);
package com.zehong.system.service.impl;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import com.zehong.system.mapper.TLpgAirChargeFilesMapper;
import com.zehong.system.domain.TLpgAirChargeFiles;
import com.zehong.system.service.ITLpgAirChargeFilesService;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* 液化石油气-充装记录Service业务层处理
......@@ -50,6 +55,16 @@ public class TLpgAirChargeFilesServiceImpl implements ITLpgAirChargeFilesService
return tLpgAirChargeFilesMapper.selectTLpgAirChargeFilesList(tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 2024-09-12 wh 查询数据为了导出用 限制导出数量
* @param tLpgAirChargeFiles t
* @return r
public List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> queryAllForExport(TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles) {
return tLpgAirChargeFilesMapper.queryAllForExport(tLpgAirChargeFiles);
* 新增液化石油气-充装记录
......@@ -97,4 +112,23 @@ public class TLpgAirChargeFilesServiceImpl implements ITLpgAirChargeFilesService
return tLpgAirChargeFilesMapper.deleteTLpgAirChargeFilesById(fGasAirChargeId);
* 导出
* @param xmbhList data
* @param updateSupport 是否更新
* @param response res
public Map<String,Object> importLpgAirChargeFileInfo(List<TLpgAirChargeFiles> xmbhList, boolean updateSupport, HttpServletResponse response) {
Map<String ,Object> map = new HashMap<>();
for (TLpgAirChargeFiles tLpgAirChargeFiles : xmbhList) {
return map;
......@@ -32,7 +32,14 @@ PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="fBarCode != null and fBarCode != ''"> and f_bar_code like concat('%', #{fBarCode}, '%') </if>
<select id="queryAllForExport" resultMap="TLpgAirChargeFilesResult">
<include refid="selectTLpgAirChargeFilesVo"/>
<if test="fVaseCode != null and fVaseCode != ''"> and f_vase_code like concat('%', #{fVaseCode}, '%') </if>
<if test="fBarCode != null and fBarCode != ''"> and f_bar_code like concat('%', #{fBarCode}, '%') </if>
limit 1000
<select id="selectTLpgAirChargeFilesById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="TLpgAirChargeFilesResult">
<include refid="selectTLpgAirChargeFilesVo"/>
where f_gas_air_charge_id = #{fGasAirChargeId}
......@@ -51,3 +51,11 @@ export function exportFiles(query) {
params: query
// 下载用户导入模板
export function importTemplate() {
return request({
url: '/lpg/airchargefiles/importTemplate',
method: 'get'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -36,6 +36,15 @@
<el-col :span="1.5">
<right-toolbar :showSearch.sync="showSearch" @queryTable="getList"></right-toolbar>
......@@ -68,12 +77,44 @@
<!-- 详情 -->
<DetailInfo ref="detail"/>
<!-- 用户导入对话框 -->
<el-dialog :title="upload.title" :visible.sync="" width="400px" append-to-body>
accept=".xlsx, .xls"
:action="upload.url + '?updateSupport=' + upload.updateSupport"
<i class="el-icon-upload"></i>
<div class="el-upload__text">将文件拖到此处,或<em>点击上传</em></div>
<div class="el-upload__tip text-center" slot="tip">
<el-link type="primary" :underline="false" style="font-size:12px;vertical-align: baseline;" @click="importTemplate">下载模板</el-link>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer">
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitFileForm">确 定</el-button>
<el-button @click=" = false">取 消</el-button>
import { listFiles, exportFiles } from "@/api/lpgRegulation/airchargefiles";
import { listFiles, exportFiles,importTemplate } from "@/api/lpgRegulation/airchargefiles";
import DetailInfo from "./components/indexInfo";
import { getToken } from "@/utils/auth";
export default {
name: "Files",
......@@ -82,6 +123,22 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
upload: {
// 是否显示弹出层(用户导入)
open: false,
// 弹出层标题(用户导入)
title: "",
// 是否禁用上传
isUploading: false,
// 是否更新已经存在的用户数据
updateSupport: 0,
// 设置上传的请求头部
headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + getToken() },
// 上传的地址
url: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + "/lpg/airchargefiles/importData"
// 遮罩层
loading: true,
// 导出遮罩层
......@@ -119,6 +176,38 @@ export default {
methods: {
/** 下载模板操作 */
importTemplate() {
importTemplate().then(response => {;
this.upload.title = "充装记录导入"; // todo = true;
// 文件上传处理中
handleFileUploadProgress(event,file,fileList) {
this.upload.isUploading = true;
// 文件上传成功处理
handleFileSuccess(response, file, fileList) { = false;
this.upload.isUploading = false;
this.$alert("<div style='overflow: auto;overflow-x: hidden;max-height: 70vh;padding: 10px 20px 0;'>" + response.msg + "</div>", "导入结果", { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true });
// 提交上传文件
submitFileForm() {
/** 查询液化石油气-充装记录列表 */
getList() {
this.loading = true;
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