Commit 3a377098 authored by wanghao's avatar wanghao

1 基础信息维护-用户管理-燃气用户 大屏展示数据结构 接口封装。测试通过,待跟大屏联调。

parent 28cb93f4
......@@ -314,15 +314,16 @@ PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
safetyDeviceInfo.f_iot_no as iotNo,
safetyDeviceInfo.f_device_name as deviceName,
safetyDeviceInfo.f_detection_medium as detctionMedium,
safetyDeviceInfo.f_device_install_time as deviceInstallTime,
'61' as iconType
safetyDeviceInfo.f_device_install_time as deviceInstallTime
t_detector_user dUser
LEFT JOIN t_user_manage_village userVillage ON dUser.f_village_id = userVillage.f_village_id
LEFT JOIN t_gasuser_safety_device_info safetyDeviceInfo on safetyDeviceInfo.f_relation_gasUser_id = dUser.user_id
LEFT JOIN t_county_level_region region ON region.f_id = userVillage.f_region
(safetyDeviceInfo.is_del = '0' or safetyDeviceInfo.is_del is null)
<where> (safetyDeviceInfo.is_del = '0' or safetyDeviceInfo.is_del is null)
<if test="userId != null and userId != ''"> and dUser.user_id = #{userId}</if>
<select id="getDetectorUserAlarmList" resultType="Map">
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