variables.scss 1007 Bytes
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// base color
$pink: #E65D6E;
$green: #30B08F;
$tiffany: #4AB7BD;
$panGreen: #30B08F;

// sidebar
$subMenuActiveText:#f4f4f5; //

$sidebarTitle: #ffffff;

$sidebarLightTitle: #001529;


$sideBarWidth: 200px;

// the :export directive is the magic sauce for webpack
:export {
  menuText: $menuText;
  menuActiveText: $menuActiveText;
  subMenuActiveText: $subMenuActiveText;
  menuBg: $menuBg;
  menuHover: $menuHover;
  menuLightBg: $menuLightBg;
  menuLightHover: $menuLightHover;
  subMenuBg: $subMenuBg;
  subMenuHover: $subMenuHover;
  sideBarWidth: $sideBarWidth;
  sidebarTitle: $sidebarTitle;
  sidebarLightTitle: $sidebarLightTitle