<iftest="purchaseDeptId != null "> and purchase_dept_id = #{purchaseDeptId}</if>
<iftest="handledByUserId != null "> and handled_by_user_id = #{handledByUserId}</if>
<iftest="purchaseName != null and purchaseName != ''"> and purchase_name like concat('%', #{purchaseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="specifications != null and specifications != ''"> and specifications = #{specifications}</if>
<iftest="modelType != null and modelType != ''"> and model_type = #{modelType}</if>
<iftest="applicationDescription != null and applicationDescription != ''"> and application_description like concat('%', #{applicationDescription}, '%')</if>
<iftest="userId != null "> and user_id = #{userId}</if>
<iftest="price != null "> and price = #{price}</if>
<iftest="count != null "> and count = #{count}</if>
<iftest="total != null "> and total = #{total}</if>
<iftest="purchaseDeptManagerId != null "> and purchase_dept_manager_id = #{purchaseDeptManagerId}</if>
<iftest="approvedUserId != null "> and approved_user_id = #{approvedUserId}</if>
<iftest="isDel != null and isDel != ''"> and is_del = #{isDel}</if>
<iftest="purchaseStatus != null and purchaseStatus != ''"> and purchase_status = #{purchaseStatus}</if>
<iftest="approvedTime != null "> and approved_time = #{approvedTime}</if>
<iftest="purchaseDeptId != null "> and t.purchase_dept_id = #{purchaseDeptId}</if>
<iftest="handledByUserId != null "> and t.handled_by_user_id = #{handledByUserId}</if>
<iftest="purchaseName != null and purchaseName != ''"> and t.purchase_name like concat('%', #{purchaseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="specifications != null and specifications != ''"> and t.specifications = #{specifications}</if>
<iftest="modelType != null and modelType != ''"> and t.model_type = #{modelType}</if>
<iftest="applicationDescription != null and applicationDescription != ''"> and t.application_description like concat('%', #{applicationDescription}, '%')</if>
<iftest="userId != null "> and t.user_id = #{userId}</if>
<iftest="userName != null "> and t2.nick_name like concat('%', #{userName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="price != null "> and t.price = #{price}</if>
<iftest="count != null "> and t.count = #{count}</if>
<iftest="total != null "> and t.total = #{total}</if>
<iftest="purchaseDeptManagerId != null "> and t.purchase_dept_manager_id = #{purchaseDeptManagerId}</if>
<iftest="approvedUserId != null "> and t.approved_user_id = #{approvedUserId}</if>
<iftest="isDel != null and isDel != ''"> and t.is_del = #{isDel}</if>
<iftest="purchaseStatus != null and purchaseStatus != ''"> and t.purchase_status = #{purchaseStatus}</if>
<iftest="approvedTime != null "> and t.approved_time = #{approvedTime}</if>