<iftest="transactionProjectName != null and transactionProjectName != ''"> and transaction_project_name like concat('%', #{transactionProjectName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="transactionProjectName != null and transactionProjectName != ''"> and transaction_project_name like concat('%', #{transactionProjectName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="transactionItemName != null and transactionItemName != ''"> and transaction_item_name like concat('%', #{transactionItemName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="dutyDetailDescribe != null and dutyDetailDescribe != ''"> and duty_detail_describe = #{dutyDetailDescribe}</if>
<iftest="context != null and context != ''"> and context = #{context}</if>
<iftest="workResultStyle != null and workResultStyle != ''"> and work_result_style = #{workResultStyle}</if>
<iftest="workResultDetail != null and workResultDetail != ''"> and work_result_detail = #{workResultDetail}</if>
<iftest="workResultMethod != null and workResultMethod != ''"> and work_result_method = #{workResultMethod}</if>
<iftest="dutyMethod != null and dutyMethod != ''"> and duty_method = #{dutyMethod}</if>
<iftest="priceType != null and priceType != ''"> and price_type = #{priceType}</if>
<iftest="priceType != null and priceType != ''"> and price_type = #{priceType}</if>
<iftest="price != null "> and price = #{price}</if>
<iftest="price != null "> and price = #{price}</if>
<iftest="deptId != null "> and dept_id = #{deptId}</if>
<iftest="deptId != null "> and dept_id = #{deptId}</if>
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