Commit 0e42773b authored by 王晓倩's avatar 王晓倩


parent b897d39d
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
<el-table-column label="图片" align="center" prop="pictureUrl" >
<template slot-scope="scope">
<el-image :src="scope.row.pictureUrl" :preview-src-list="[scope.row.pictureUrl]" v-if="scope.row.pictureUrl != '' && scope.row.pictureUrl != null" style="width: 16px;"></el-image>
<el-image :src="scope.row.pictureUrl" :preview-src-list="[scope.row.pictureUrl]" v-if="scope.row.pictureUrl != '' && scope.row.pictureUrl != null" style="width: 20%;vertical-align:middle"></el-image>
<el-table-column label="上报人" align="center" prop="reportManName" />
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