select relation_device_detail_id,relation_device_id,device_name,device_model,iot_no,remarks, (CASE device_type WHEN '1' THEN '压力表' WHEN '2' THEN '流量计' end) as device_type
select relation_device_detail_id,relation_device_id,device_name,device_model,iot_no,remarks, (CASE device_type WHEN '1' THEN '压力表' WHEN '2' THEN '流量计' end) as device_type
from t_relation_device_detail_info where relation_device_id=#{id}
from t_relation_device_detail_info where relation_device_id=#{id} and relation_device_type=#{relationDeviceType}
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<iftest="workTitle != null and workTitle != ''"> and work_title like concat('%', #{workTitle}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workTitle != null and workTitle != ''"> and workOrder.work_title like concat('%', #{workTitle}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workType != null and workType != ''"> and work_type = #{workType}</if>
<iftest="workType != null and workType != ''"> and workOrder.work_type = #{workType}</if>
<iftest="workContent != null and workContent != ''"> and work_content = #{workContent}</if>
<iftest="workContent != null and workContent != ''"> and workOrder.work_content = #{workContent}</if>
<iftest="workCreateEnterpriseName != null and workCreateEnterpriseName != ''"> and work_create_enterprise_name like concat('%', #{workCreateEnterpriseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workCreateEnterpriseName != null and workCreateEnterpriseName != ''"> and workOrder.work_create_enterprise_name like concat('%', #{workCreateEnterpriseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workCreateEnterpriseId != null and workCreateEnterpriseId != ''"> and work_create_enterprise_id = #{workCreateEnterpriseId}</if>
<iftest="workCreateEnterpriseId != null and workCreateEnterpriseId != ''"> and workOrder.work_create_enterprise_id = #{workCreateEnterpriseId}</if>
<iftest="workAssignEnterproseName != null and workAssignEnterproseName != ''"> and work_assign_enterprose_name like concat('%', #{workAssignEnterproseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workAssignEnterproseName != null and workAssignEnterproseName != ''"> and info.work_assign_enterprose_name like concat('%', #{workAssignEnterproseName}, '%')</if>
<iftest="workAssignEnterproseId != null "> and work_assign_enterprose_id = #{workAssignEnterproseId}</if>
<iftest="workAssignEnterproseId != null "> and workOrder.work_assign_enterprose_id = #{workAssignEnterproseId}</if>
<iftest="workAssignManId != null "> and work_assign_man_id = #{workAssignManId}</if>
<iftest="workAssignManId != null "> and workOrder.work_assign_man_id = #{workAssignManId}</if>
<iftest="workAssignMan != null and workAssignMan != ''"> and work_assign_man = #{workAssignMan}</if>
<iftest="workAssignMan != null and workAssignMan != ''"> and user.work_assign_man = #{workAssignMan}</if>
<iftest="workStatus != null and workStatus != ''"> and work_status = #{workStatus}</if>
<iftest="workStatus != null and workStatus != ''"> and workOrder.work_status = #{workStatus}</if>
<iftest="inspectionDate != null "> and inspection_date = #{inspectionDate}</if>
<iftest="inspectionDate != null "> and workOrder.inspection_date = #{inspectionDate}</if>
<iftest="inspectionRoute != null and inspectionRoute != ''"> and inspection_route = #{inspectionRoute}</if>
<iftest="inspectionRoute != null and inspectionRoute != ''"> and workOrder.inspection_route = #{inspectionRoute}</if>
<iftest="problemDescription != null and problemDescription != ''"> and problem_description = #{problemDescription}</if>
<iftest="problemDescription != null and problemDescription != ''"> and workOrder.problem_description = #{problemDescription}</if>
<iftest="iconUrl != null and iconUrl != ''"> and icon_url = #{iconUrl}</if>
<iftest="iconUrl != null and iconUrl != ''"> and workOrder.icon_url = #{iconUrl}</if>
<iftest="rectificationPlan != null and rectificationPlan != ''"> and rectification_plan = #{rectificationPlan}</if>
<iftest="rectificationPlan != null and rectificationPlan != ''"> and workOrder.rectification_plan = #{rectificationPlan}</if>
<iftest="rectificationResult != null and rectificationResult != ''"> and rectification_result = #{rectificationResult}</if>
<iftest="rectificationResult != null and rectificationResult != ''"> and workOrder.rectification_result = #{rectificationResult}</if>
<iftest="responsibleUnit != null and responsibleUnit != ''"> and responsible_unit = #{responsibleUnit}</if>
<iftest="responsibleUnit != null and responsibleUnit != ''"> and workOrder.responsible_unit = #{responsibleUnit}</if>
<iftest="responsiblePerson != null and responsiblePerson != ''"> and responsible_person = #{responsiblePerson}</if>
<iftest="responsiblePerson != null and responsiblePerson != ''"> and workOrder.responsible_person = #{responsiblePerson}</if>
<iftest="expiryDate != null "> and expiry_date = #{expiryDate}</if>
<iftest="expiryDate != null "> and workOrder.expiry_date = #{expiryDate}</if>
<iftest="isDel != null and isDel != ''"> and is_del = #{isDel}</if>
<iftest="isDel != null and isDel != ''"> and workOrder.is_del = #{isDel}</if>
<iftest="remarks != null and remarks != ''"> and remarks = #{remarks}</if>
<iftest="remarks != null and remarks != ''"> and workOrder.remarks = #{remarks}</if>