<iftest="stationId != null "> and record.station_id = #{stationId}</if>
<iftest="gasUserId != null "> and record.gas_user_id = #{gasUserId}</if>
<iftest="safeCheckDate != null "> and record.safe_check_date = #{safeCheckDate}</if>
<iftest="safeCheckPerson != null "> and record.safe_check_person = #{safeCheckPerson}</if>
<iftest="bottleNum != null "> and record.bottle_num = #{bottleNum}</if>
<iftest="checkInStatus != null and checkInStatus != ''"> and record.check_in_status = #{checkInStatus}</if>
<iftest="stoveCheckStatus != null and stoveCheckStatus != ''"> and record.stove_check_status = #{stoveCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="stoveCheckPic != null and stoveCheckPic != ''"> and record.stove_check_pic = #{stoveCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="hoseCheckStatus != null and hoseCheckStatus != ''"> and record.hose_check_status = #{hoseCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="hoseCheckPic != null and hoseCheckPic != ''"> and record.hose_check_pic = #{hoseCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="valveCheckStatus != null and valveCheckStatus != ''"> and record.valve_check_status = #{valveCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="valveCheckPic != null and valveCheckPic != ''"> and record.valve_check_pic = #{valveCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="bottleCheckStatus != null and bottleCheckStatus != ''"> and record.bottle_check_status = #{bottleCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="bottleCheckPic != null and bottleCheckPic != ''"> and record.bottle_check_pic = #{bottleCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="alarmCheckStatus != null and alarmCheckStatus != ''"> and record.alarm_check_status = #{alarmCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="alarmCheckPic != null and alarmCheckPic != ''"> and record.alarm_check_pic = #{alarmCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="placeCheckStatus != null and placeCheckStatus != ''"> and record.place_check_status = #{placeCheckStatus}</if>
<iftest="placeCheckPic != null and placeCheckPic != ''"> and record.place_check_pic = #{placeCheckPic}</if>
<iftest="checkPersonSign != null and checkPersonSign != ''"> and record.check_person_sign = #{checkPersonSign}</if>
<iftest="gasUserSign != null and gasUserSign != ''"> and record.gas_user_sign = #{gasUserSign}</if>
<iftest="isDel != null and isDel != ''"> and record.is_del = #{isDel}</if>
<iftest="gasUserType != null and gasUserType != ''"> and us.gas_user_type = #{gasUserType}</if>
<iftest="safeCheckBeginTime != null and safeCheckEndTime != null">and record.safe_check_date between #{safeCheckBeginTime} and #{safeCheckEndTime} </if>