Commit 9622ed85 authored by 冯超鹏's avatar 冯超鹏


parent 477af4dc
Pipeline #126 canceled with stages
......@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ use Validator;
class UinappHomeController extends Controller
public function devicedatainfo(){
// $data = DB::table('device as d')
// ->join('device_type as t','d.dtype','=','t.tid')
// ->join('gas as g','d.status','=','')
// ->join('danwei as w','d.devicemonad','=','')
// ->join('status as s','d.devicepolice','=','')
// ->join('users as u','d.uid','=','')
// ->where('','=',$id)
// ->select('d.*','t.tname','g.gas','w.danwei','s.status_name','u.username','u.isadmin')
// ->first();
// return $this->jsonSuccessData($data);
public function devicedatainfo($id){
$data = DB::table('device as d')
->join('device_type as t','d.dtype','=','t.tid')
->join('gas as g','d.status','=','')
->join('danwei as w','d.devicemonad','=','')
->join('status as s','d.devicepolice','=','')
->join('users as u','d.uid','=','')
return $this->jsonSuccessData($data);
return $this->jsonSuccessData('2313');
......@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Route::group(['middleware'=>'auth:api'],function (){
//uinapp 接口
Route::group(['middleware'=>'auth:api'],function (){
// Fake APIs
Route::get('/table/list', function () {
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